Deer Hunting Information
Casey’s Hunting Camp offers a wonderful fair chase opportunity for the serious deer hunter. Unique opportunities are available throughout the long season for both the archery and gun hunter. For regional reference we are located in Zone B. For more on Alabama hunting season and bag limits visit Alabama’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resource page here.
Bow Hunting
Bow season generally opens mid-October and ends in early February. This time of year you will frequently see bucks still grouped together and will often find them feeding on the acorn crops or around the newly planted green plots. Bow season typically sees warm weather, but don’t be surprised to experience a 40 degree morning as fronts do pass through the area.
Rifle Hunting
Rifle season opens late November and ends in early February. Rut season in our region normally begins shortly after Christmas and will run through the end of deer season.
Our Rules and State Regulations
We practice quality deer management and do not allow shooting deer smaller than 4-points on one side (let them go, so they can grow - and get bigger).
Every hunter can legally kill three bucks during the Alabama season (State Regulation)
There may be no more than two deer killed per day. This includes a maximum of one doe and one buck per day. (State Regulation)
Your hunt will begin the morning or afternoon after you arrive, as there are, typically, two hunts per day. This will give you time to select your bed, sight in your rifle, grab a meal and get acquainted with the other hunters in camp. After your deer is killed, our staff will clean and hang your game in the walk-in cooler. The day you leave it will be skinned, quartered and packed for travel.
Success Rate
Our hunters typically have an 80% success on bucks on a 4-day hunt. Our bucks weights range from 140 to 220 lbs.
We hunt a total of 6,500 acres and never have more than nine hunters in the woods at any time. This practice prevents overhunting and helps to keep the quality bucks unalarmed. We hunt a mix of hardwoods, green fields, pine plantations and cutovers. We have 82 green fields with more than 150 permanent rifle stands. Often we place portable stands in high deer traffic areas that are discovered during the season. The countryside consists of rolling hills, creek bottoms, pastureland and sagebrush.
We strongly encourage hunters to take only quality bucks. With the opportunity to take a doe a day no hunter should leave without ample venison in their cooler.
What You Need to Bring
Current / Active Alabama Hunting License (Resident / Non-Resident) Due to poor cellular signal we suggest purchasing your hunting license before you arrive. Buy it online here.
Camouflage Clothing: lightweight pants and shirt for warm days (up to 60F degrees) / Warm coveralls for cold days (down to 20F degrees)
Waterproof Jacket for in-climate weather
Flashlight with batteries, heavy-duty if possible
144 square inches of Hunters Orange (this can be a cap, vest, etc.). Make sure cap is FULLY ORANGE in order to be legal. (State Required)
Large cooler for transportation of venison to your home